Lee Jason Sharnock-Smith

You can follow Lee or contact him through his social media below.

Facebook page

Website – www.Paintedcanvas.co.uk



What/who got you into working in this field?

I am a self-taught artist from Kent, my artwork is in the style of

pop art, I’ve always been into art from a young age, I have always loved comic books,

from superman to batman anything that has good graphics I find myself drawn to. After

many years of figuring out what direction I wanted to take my art, I found a style that I

love, pop art but with a realistic feel it, when I got into art properly the two people I

enjoyed being like were Julie Bell and Boris Vallejo and as the years went on and I found

a love for comic book art I turned my attention to Alex Ross

Art by Julie Bell and Boris Vallejo

Where would people have seen your work?

Good question, If you Local and live in Kent you will find my work in and around clubs

and restaurants, and at Tunbridge Wells hospital, as I donated a painting to the children’s

ward, if your are not from Kent then have a look on my social media (Links above)

What is your favorite piece you have worked on?

That’s a easy one, it was for my son, a mix of his favorite superheroes, I painted it on his

bedroom wall to keep the monsters away whilst he slept. This is closely followed by the

piece I did for Radd Titan. (Full Information of Radd Titan commission here)

What is the piece that someone else has created that you wish was yours?

Hhhhmmmmmmm another good question if was going back to my Julie Bell and Boris

Vallejo days, it would have to be the vampire hugging a human, the detail and shading of

that picture is unreal, especially the detail of the snake, you almost want him to turn her.

Second would be one of Alex Ross’s There is a lot by Alex Ross I like, but the one that

stands out to me is his superman holding up a building, I’ve always wanted to put my

own stamp on that, add in a few more heroes in the background make it the twin towers, a

selection of real heroes that dealt with 9.11.

What is your dream piece to be made?

I have no idea, it would have to be what I’ve mentioned above but as I get older I’m sure

there be something else, but my dream is to be recognized, artist as I am a little fish in a

big pond in the art world.

Ok tough one here.. Who would win in a fight to the death He-man or Lion-o?

Depends if Cringer was involved, He-man’s strength would give him the advantage but in

tactical combat and movement I would have to say lion-0, he would have the upper hand

any day, He-man wouldn’t be fluid enough.