About Radd Titan

Radd Titan sparked from a life long friendship and a joint passion for collectibles. We decided that we enjoyed talking about collectibles so much that we would start reviewing them and hosting weekly chats. Seems to be going ok so far 🙂


Ok… Where do I begin? Geo and I have been friends for close to 30 years. I have always been the more geeky one openly collecting comics and even wearing a knitted He-man  jumper I requested my grandma make for me. Geo was always more of the closet geek. I grew up collecting comics form a young age and always loved the Silver Surfer. I have been into movies from a very young age. I had a video store near my house that you could rent a videos for a week for £1 and offers like 3 for 2. My mum worked with a man who would rent 6 movies on a Friday night and would give them to my mum on Monday to return to the store. Due to this man I must have seen so many films including some of the strangest horror movies ever made.

Collecting started with comic books, He-Man action figures and carried on to Movie Maniacs – Eaglemoss figures – Bowen Designs and on to Sideshow 1/4+ that I collect now.

RaddTitan started as a joke really. I purchased a few new pieces and Geo requested I send him a video of what I picked up. I shot a video on my phone, mimicking a very poor American accent and tried to send it to him through social media, but due to the video length it would not send. So I uploaded it to YouTube and sent him the link. I put up 3 videos in total. I then forgot about them till I got a few notifications to say a few people had subscribed to the channel and commented on the video. I told Geo and we sat down (over a few beers) and decided to try and try to make some reviews… the rest is history…

Alex’s Latest Collection tour
Geo Man

Ok here goes….. I met Alex at the tender age of 4 or 5 and we have been best friends ever since!! If I had to say how or when my collecting journey began I would place the blame firmly on him!! If it wasn’t
He-man or Thundercat figures it was videogames on some old school consoles!! We both grew up on North London estates and believe it or not Alex is my calm, cool, and calculated friend….. I am the chaos!! I could use this time to mention getting lost in Harrow, girls, drinks, banned from seeing each other, fights, police, door work, Kavos, Madrid’s stag do, best man’s speeches, etc but that would take too long and reveal far too much!! I will say Raddtitan was born by two people closer than brothers and it has become a great responsibility to stay honest to our friends, collecting family and each other!!! We started this in order to see each other more and doing something we both enjoy and now it has grown into something much more!! I am proud of what it is and of why it started and as long as you want great banter, true friendship and honest reviews and chats we will always be here!!

Haha.. He-Man or Lion-o in a death match, you crazy? He-Man would destroy Lion-O!!



Geo Man’s Latest Collection tour
Want to know more about Radd Titan?


What is Radd Titan?

Where does the Radd Titan name come from?

How did you both meet?

What got you both into collecting?

What got you both into reviewing?

What in your opinion is the best piece you have seen in hand?

What displays do you use/suggest for collectibles?

What is the worst piece you have ever paid for?

What is your favourite review you have done?

Why is Geo Man not on Facebook?