Abdel Koh
To contact or for more information on Abdel check out his work on Facebook page, Xionart page or @xionart on Instagram
What/who got you into working in this field?
I got into this by collecting 6 inch action figures and it kept on growing till I commissioned my first kit
Where would people have seen your work?
People can see my work on Facebook page or my Xionart page
What is your favorite piece you have worked on?
The best piece is 1/2 hulk keown.
What is the piece that someone else has created that you wish was yours?
The piece I wish it was mine is superman vs batman from Halimaw.
What is your dream piece to be made?
Dream piece is the one I am doing now , the Joker on throne (Based on thecover art of the new52 Batman #39)
Ok tough one here.. Who would win in a fight to the death He-man or Lion-o?
He-man wins ,easy question lol