Sideshow got across to the East coast this year and brought a wide range of statues to show, but pretty sure all of these were in San Diego 2015. The only difference was Supergirl’s new hand position that changed from the heavily criticized poorly executed salute (Shown in SDCC2015) to now looking like she just smelt a fart, is in shock and is trying to fan it away. Not sure which is better… or worse…
Before SDCC2015
After NYCC2015
Court of the dead
Shard a mortal rising
Queen of the dead
Death Siren
Kier Valkyrie of the dead
Dark Knight Premium Formats
Dark Knight Batman
Dark Knight Batman
Dark Knight Joker
Dark Knight Joker
A few others, but nothing new…
Red Sonja
Red Sonja
Lady Death
Spider-man Black variant
Sideshow managed to also bring a few more pieces across, such as New Storm trooper, Boba Fett, Batgirl, Classic Catwoman, Wolverine, Sabretooth, Spider-man… Zzzzzz. But all of these have been shown before or have even been received already by collectors.
I have to say there was a lot on offer from Sideshow, but nothing new. Maybe they should have saved a few of their pieces from SDCC for NYCC…