Matthew J Black
Matthew has been in the industry for a long time and worked with some of the greats.
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What/who got you into working in this field?
For me it all started with a flyer at my local art store. I was taking tons of art classes at my local community college, but didn’t know how to start in the industry. The flyer was for Jordu Schell’s sculpting class. I signed up, and loved it. He had a ton of insight on how to build a portfolio, and where to send it out. From there I got a job at SOTA toys, at that time we were mostly doing prototypes for other companies. It was a great learning experience, since we got to work on a wide variety of products, anything from Scooby Doo fishing poles, to super cool resident evil figures. Jerry Macaluso was nice enough to let me get my foot in the door. I learned a lot.
Where would people have seen your work?
Just about everywhere really. I have been working professionally full time for nearly 17 years. Most of that time I was at Gentle Giant. The workload at GG was 90% service bureau projects, could be anything from high end action figures for toy biz, down to Burger King toys. I worked a lot on action figure lines for the most part, lots of Marvel legends, LOTR figures, Star Wars toys, Disney consumer products, as well as GG’s Star Wars and Harry Potter statues. Most recently (well ok the last 7 years) people would be familiar with my work for Sideshow Collectibles.
What is your favorite piece you have worked on?
This is a really tough one. It really changes depending on what I’m most excited about. I love having worked on Harry Potter for GG, but I would say it’s whatever I’m working on now. You get a special attachment to work. As an artist you spend so much time with your current piece. It inhabits your brain at all hours of the day and night.
What is the piece that someone else has created that you wish was yours?
Another tough one, most recently, it would be the Green Goblin PF that Nathan Mansfield recently finished. It’s a thing of beauty.
What is your dream piece to be made?
Anything related to Harry Potter. I would love to be able to work on those characters again. If not that, then anything Star Wars. There’s such a wealth of fantasy in both stories. Something that can really inspire an artist to create.
Ok tough one here.. Who would win in a fight to the death He-man or Lion-o?
He-man! Without a doubt! That guy rides cats for a living. He would put lion-o in his place!!
For more about Matthew check out his Sideshow Artist Profile